Our CEO, Tiago Ramalho, appeared in the business video media “PIVOT”


Cover image for Our CEO, Tiago Ramalho, appeared in the business video media “PIVOT”

Our CEO, Tiago Ramalho, appeared in the video media “PIVOT”.

PIVOT is a video media that delivers daily videos and articles free in order to enhance the mindset and skill sets of the new era. It delivers contents about entrepreneurs, businessperson, creators and others, who are the representatives of “Reiwa”, in a deep and fast manner.

The number of subscribers to the Youtube channel has exceeded 1 million in just a little over a year since its launch, and it has attracted the attention of many businessman in Japan.

Tiago Ramalho, was featured in PIVOT, with title "[Cosmetic Surgery Also Changes With AI] Google’s AI group Google DeepMind engineer talks about future predictions/Taking away white-collar jobs/Importance of agile development [PIVOT TALK]".

He talks extensively about the future of AI, Recursive's 4 winning AI strategies, the future of AI talent, AI development methodologies, and the future of Recursive.

You can watch the video through the URL below.


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